9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.
With the exception of Wednesday, when we open at 10am.
Sundays: 11am to 3.30pm during the Summer months.
We are open on Bank Holiday Mondays: 9am to 5pm.
Alston Wholefoods, in the centre of the town, is an ethical grocer and delicatessen offering a wide range of local, regional, organic, fairtrade and eco-friendly foods, toiletries and household goods. It is renowned especially for its stock of cheeses. The shop also offers organic wines and local beers and spirits. Established in 1998, it is a workers' co-operative.
Some of our popular local cheeses
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Celebrating 25 years of pioneering Alston Moor wholefoods enterprise
A lovely article in the Cumberland and Westmorland Herald. Click on the article to view a

25th Anniversary Open Day
Saturday 19th August from 10am to 4pm
Come celebrate with us and enjoy a fun-filled day of food, music, and community. We’ll be offering food

Baking with Marzipan
Lübecker MARZIPAN is back! You can it by weight to use in these delicious recipes or just to eat neat.

Pasta in more than 15 different shapes & 11 types of noodle
Come and browse our extensive range of noodles and pasta, many made from traditional durum wheat,
What our customers say
@Lindabell15 in Glasgow
@AlstonWholefood What a wonderful store! You make it easy and delicious to shop local.
Keith @Garrigill2040
Alston Wholefoods is a fantastic grocer and deli.
Sunday Times, 2017
Pat in Alston
In my experience, no shop has rivalled Alston Wholefoods for its range of organic, fair-trade and locally produced food, whist never forgetting that meals should be enjoyable too.
Martin in Whitfield